Become the Best Version of Yourself

Become the Best Version of Yourself

Self-competition gives us the level of excellence we possess. Inertia holds us back. We brace, anchor our feet, and settle for less than our abilities can produce. Using the lessons from this book, readers now have a template and strategy to raise their level of excellence and move closer to becoming the best version of themselves.

Use the messages in this book to evaluate where you are on the scale of your success potential. Be real! Be honest! Don’t settle for a lesser version. Dig in and push forward with all the energy and abilities you have. Seek the support of others as needed. Then, add a bit more!

Leading Yourself, Leading Others

Leading Yourself, Leading Others

For every situation, there is a leadership principle that can help improve it. Whether you lead an organization, family or social group, there are certain leadership skills you need to master. Remember, there is always room to improve and this book offers 170 leadership skills to help you along the way. Leadership is a learnable skill and one of the most beneficial skills once can master. This book is a “get out of jail” pass into reality. Lead with candor and a caring heart. Use this book as another resource to grow your knowledge of leadership. You’ll be glad you did. And I will be happy as well.

Searching for Success

Searching for Success

We each have our own definition for the word “Success.” But the common thread, no matter how defined, is the acceptance of personal responsibility for all our actions. “I am responsible” are powerful words. Thus the ultimate freedom to achieve the highest level of personal success comes when we fully accept the idea that our success is dependent upon what we do for ourselves. Read each chapter with a speed allowing you to think and absorb the thoughts shared. Fill in the “Action Steps to Success” for additional learning opportunities in your search for success.

The Journey

The Journey

The goal for writing this book is to design a roadmap for personal success. The book’s message recommends we keep God, Family and Career as an order of importance for making life’s decisions. Many ideas on building a relationship with God, with family (marriage & children) and with a successful leadership career fill the pages. As you search for the tough answers life puts in your journey, this book is a wise template to begin your life travels. At the end of each section, ten Life Challenges are provided to further challenge your thinking. The intent is for this book to serve as a life manual to support your journey.


Creating a Climate of Respect and Relationship Building in Today’s Workplace Culture

This is my first book specifically focused on creating a successful business. The Trifecta discussed rounds out key elements a strong business environment embeds—respect, relationships, culture. By creating a respectful and a relationship building culture, the proper foundation for success is established. Leaders who drive such practices into their daily activities open the door for a stable workforce, outstanding customer service and profitable practices. The Trifecta works when the organization implements practices that support each. The successful culture is the natural fallout of highly respectful and relationship building actions. These are the key factors for survival in a highly competitive business environment.

All of Billy's books are available on Amazon, and he can make them available during his speaking events.
Contact Billy for more information.