Leadership Speaker Billy Arcement—Straightforward / Candid Messages That Make a Positive Impact on Your Business

Every engagement includes:

  • A deep dive into the issues clients want addressed.
  • A partnership focused on resolving these issues.
  • The injection of personal responsibility to get the job done.
  • Clearly defining expectations, executing the right actions and establishing accountability to complete every task assigned.
  • Actionable content, not theories or hyperbole.

With every program, audiences appreciate the unique wit, wisdom, and down-to-earth style of this Candid Cajun. With refreshing candor, Billy gets to the heart of the issue. He believes truth, transparency, and trust all trump trouble. It’s all part of his leadership expertise.

He infuses cutting edge information, inspiration, and insights. Then he adds that special touch of Cajun humor. You will come away feeling empowered, enlightened, and eager to implement his messages. Billy uses real-world strategies and solutions for powerful long-term positive change. And providing a copy of one of Billy’s books is an option to enhance the learning experience.

What Kind of Program Are YOU Interested in?

  • General Session Keynotes?
  • Concurrent Sessions or Conference Seminars?
  • In-house Strategic Work Sessions (training)?
  • Strategic Planning Retreat Facilitation?
  • Virtual Presentations?
  • Safety Leadership Presentations?
  • School Board Leadership Presentations?

Billy can deliver them all! A variety of program lengths are also available.

His training is under the three tiered topics of Respect, Relationships, Culture. There are a number of subtopics that spin off of these core topics. A Sample of His Organizational Leadership Topics to Build Your Business Success Include:


Cajun Candor: Straightforward Dialog that Improves Performance

Candor means you care enough to shore up weaknesses. It means capitalizing on strengths and talents. It means you fix flaws. A lack of candor will slow you down and won’t bring improvements to the workplace. By rewarding candor, you create a culture of candor. This is a no BS program. It’s respectful, at least, that’s what this Cajun believes!


Effectively Developing and Growing Employees

Billy has mastered techniques to help leaders inspire action and maximize talents. Their design helps to grow the potential of every employee. It’s about dignity, passion and recognition. It means developing possibilities and purpose. It means bringing a consistency to the forefront. This is a key message promoting growth of people and organizations through respect


Creating and Sustaining High Performance Teams

Global competition demands proficient skills and cost effective productivity. One bad team member can screw up the entire team effort. Take advantage of the power of many. Learn to identify the key morale, values and operational standards in play. Create an alignment with corporate strategies. Team passion drives. Team beliefs empower. Learn how to remove the fog surrounding a non-functioning team. This is a Super Bowl discussion on teamwork.


Want the truth about how to produce high level work performances? Follow the strategies winning coaches follow. These leaders use focus to create the goals and tactics. Next they develop a plan to execute. The final step is you must finish what you start. Every success contains these three elements. This program reveals what few have mastered. Take the lead and beat the competition.


It’s Attitude, Not Aptitude, That Gives You Altitude

One person with the wrong attitude can change the course of an activity. One person with the right attitude can change the course of the world. Light-hearted but filled with a message as serious as a heart attack. It unravels the mystery of attitudes and helps you create your own successes. The priceless advice about attitudes? You are in charge of building that culture.


Servant Leadership: Creating a Legacy of Service

The greatest characteristic of a leader? Performing their responsibilities blanketed with service to others. Forget ego. Forget self-serving actions. It’s all about helping others release their greatness. It’s all about being a caring, focused leader by taking on the mantle of a Servant Leader. Serving people is a privilege. Don’t screw it up! Create a serving culture!

Other Program Options

Billy offers presentations based on six of his books. Let’s assess your needs and get a personalized program designed especially for YOU!

  1. Searching for Success
  2. The Journey
  3. Leading Yourself, Leading Others
  4. Create the Best Version of Yourself
  5. Creating a Climate of Respect and Relationship Building in Today’s Workplace Culture
  6. Teaching Your Child to Succeed


Billy can also develop other personalized programs using his extensive research files and personal experience. Contact him to discuss your needs and to determine if there is a fit. He won't venture where he doesn't have the expertise!

No-Cost Value Added Benefits when you book Leadership Speaker Billy Arcement include:

  • Articles for your newsletter
  • Media Interviews to promote a meeting
  • Mix and mingle time with attendees
  • Book purchases for attendees

Is Virtual Your Preference?

COVID-19 changed the landscape of training. Billy has adapted to this “new normal.” Today, he offers customized ZOOM training and / or conference calls about your organizational needs. He offers:

  • One-on-one Consultation
  • One-on-one Executive Coaching
  • Group Zoom training


Billy has the expertise to provide relative and inspiring topics for your Conference Keynotes and Breakout Sessions at your association membership conferences. He can include items from the bullet points listed above this section as part of the mix. Just make your picks and they will be added to the program proposal. Also, many of the training sessions listed on this page can be personalized for your attendees. Should other topics be of interest, just ask. Billy won’t venture where his expertise is not relative to the topic desired. It’s not worth the risk.

He is also a seasoned retreat facilitator with school boards and can transition these skills to your board of directors, staff, officers and committees as they plan the association direction for the future. Call to discuss your needs. Again, he will not venture where his expertise cannot resolve your desired outcomes or meet your needs.

Book Billy for Your Program Now

Empower your team. Provide them with cutting edge success strategies. Develop the mindset necessary to better compete, excel, and lead a better life. And his unique, 100% guarantee comes with every presentation!

Call Billy call at 225-572-2804 to discuss your organizational needs. It’s a no-obligation conversation. Reach him via email: Billy@SearchingForSuccess.com or virtually on a Zoom call.

Virtual training is also available for associations, school boards, teacher groups, or support personnel. Zoom Conferences can make it happen. Call to explore options.